Building Transactions
The Typescript SDK provides multiple ways for you to create the transaction needed to execute specific actions on the Whirlpool contract.
1. Composing your own Transaction
Use the TransactionBuilder class to construct and compose your own Transactions to perform actions on the Whirlpools contract.
Whirlpools Instruction Set
🔗 Whirlpools Instruction Set
const txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder(ctx.provider);
txBuilder.addInstruction(WhirlpoolIx.initializeConfigIx(ctx, configParams));
await txBuilder.buildAndExecute();
Use to toTx
function if you only have one transaction to send out
const tx = toTx(ctx, WhirlpoolIx.initializeConfigIx(ctx.program, configParams));
await txBuilder.buildAndExecute();